domingo, 26 de julio de 2015


For this second entrance, I receive a group of questions that you should solve before start a business avoiding a lot of mistakes.

  1. An executive summary – an overview of the business you want to start.
  2. A short description of the business opportunity – who are you? What do you plan to sell/offer? Why do you want to do this? Who do you want to sell to?
  3. Your marketing and sales strategy – why do you think people will buy what you want to sell? How do you plan to sell them?
  4. Your management team and personnel – what are your skills, experience and qualifications? What kind of people will you want to employ?
  5. Your operations – where will you run your business? What equipment will you need? What IT will you need?
  6. Financial forecasts – how much money will you need to get started? How much will you sell your product/service for? How much profit will you make in the first, second and third year of business? When and how will you pay investors back?

In this moment I have a business partner, and we will try to make a good business, but meanwhile we are going to answer this questions with a fake idea, in this blog i answer the points 2, 3 and 4, my partner answer all the others in his own blog...

2. Well, I am sure that here I don´t need a philosophical answer, so. I am a student with school education, and few risk capital. I want to sell a wearable camera drone. It is going to be sold at the normal people, specially geeks, or photographers.

3. They could be interesting first than all for the actual wearable trend. In second term, because of the utility of have your own camera drone, the which is actually used in the filmation of big events, or even for the fireman station. for sell it, we are going to use the internet, it is going to be only a product to buy in internet, and all the marketing is going to be given also for the web...

4. My skills are mainly a good money control, a natural interest for make money, and the intention of fight for my passions, actually I don´t have any kind of formal experience, but I have manage at least 3 informal business. And my qualifications are a easy learning, a good business mind, and the ability of find good partners, In this business there are no direct contracts, for the fabrication we contract a factory with the use of online resources as ali baba, and for the sell we employee another online resource as ebay,

Happy reading.

Att: Andrés Bello,

Image from;

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