domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

All beginnings are difficult but interesting.

Well, this is  the first entrance of this new blog, make a interesting blog is a difficult work, and a lot more difficult if it is your first blog, so don't expect so much of this blog and in particular of this entrance, anyway i am going to try of give you a good lecture or opinion.

For this first entrance i am going to answer some questions that were given to me some time ago...

1°. What is a entrepreneur?.

- In my conception a entrepreneur is a person that all the time have in mind the creation of a new enterprise, and is willing to make everything that is (or not) in his scope to make reality this idea. At simple view this person could be someone worthy of being taken as a leader, but not necessarily must to be in this way, because of different points. The most of the time i have noticed that the people think that a entrepreneur is a smart or creative person, but for me is not like that is just that they dedicate his time in thinking new opportunities of business, so it is normal that eventually they found a new product or service that supply this necessity in his mid of create a business chance, but for me is just like when do you have a problem so you found a way to solve it, anything awesome, just your brain answering to your petitions. Another usual conception is that this entrepreneurs gave us the enterprises that gave us the development that we need to grow as society. But it is also is not like that, a entrepreneur all the time want to create a new enterprise. But not all of them are able to sustain this new enterprises. Is not the same create a enterprise and have a strong enterprise.

2°. Are you, or would you like to be a entrepreneur?.

-Well in the past i dream with be a entrepreneur, it was a good option for me. In the old times i believe that with that i obtain money, projects in the which work, opportunity to create new stuffs, power as a important people, the recognition of the society as a important and suitable person. In this moment of my life i don't believe something different to that. I still thinking that i could obtain this dream life being a entrepreneur. But actually i don't have so much interest of being a entrepreneur. Because now i have the crazy idea that all this things (power, money, recognition...) don't are going to give me the happiness in my life, at least not at this time. I should first find the tranquility of my soul. When i reach this point i am going to make what make happy. It could be: be a entrepreneur, be a singer, be a magician, or be a homeless. I don't care, i just know that i am going to be happy.

3°.  Talk about a famous entrepreneur.

- Taking into account that it is my blog and i don't want talk a lot in this topic am going to give you a short history of Sir Richard Branson. Sir Richard Branson is the creator of the virgin group, this group was named as virgin because when they (he and his friends) start his first business don't have any knowledge or experience about this business, so they literally were virgins on this topic. Sir Richard Branson always keep this virginity in his business changing from a business to another. Actually i remember that he start with a scholarship newspaper, a magazine, a company of records, a airline, a F1 team and a extra-planetary airline, but with a fast look in the web i found that there is a lot of more companies, as the enterprise of telecommunications. 

4°.  Discuss about: "Entrepreneurship is essential in society and governments should help individuals to become entrepreneurs".

- It is a difficult questions for me. Because i have a personal opinion really ingrained in my mind. This opinion is that the most of the inversions of a government should be directed to the education. So when you ask me if the government should help to the born of more entrepreneurs i think, it is unnecessary, if you give education to the people, but real education, something that really give to all of us the opportunity of be a rational person, that in the point of discuss or question yourself, you can answer using only your rational mode, without using your prejudices or human pride, in this point the society advance in the most correct way. Because when one of my teachers speak of entrepreneurship he tell us, you must be entrepreneurs, you couldn't wish a life in the which you work all the time for a boss. But if all of us are entrepreneurs, who work for us?. If there are entrepreneurs, there employers. And if you support a model in the which born entrepreneurs are you being a selfish man, because you are supporting that still being people that obtain more than the others, and it for me is not a option. How could you determine who is going to obtain more?, you are going to permit that the person that obtain more is the person that put his self over others?. All of this has no sense for me. Al thought i should tell you that i am just a man, i also make mistakes, so maybe this idea is just another more of this mistakes. Even if one of you ask me, which model should we follow for avoid all this ego, pride and selfish of the humans?, i couldn't answer anything. I believe that just a man couldn't make a perfect system, it just could be reached by the society, so the answer is going to be gives by all of us. But first we need a real education in order for society to find its own way. So the government should invest in that and don't in the entrepreneurship.

Att: Andrés Bello.

2 comentarios:

  1. it's very interesting. i would like be an entrepreneur. it's a good information.

  2. This blog has different points of view which make this an excellent tool in order to create a definition of ¨entrepreneur¨. I think that with these ponit of view we can start a magnificent debate. Thanks for sharing your knowledge
